Items per Manufacturing Number or Model Car Name
Items with a Date on a yellow background have been updated during the last 21 Days.

We can recognize in the MB75 range of car models 3 Main Groups:
  1. Regular Wheel Models (1953 - about 1968)
  2. Superfast Models with a Made by Lesney on the base plate (1968 - about 1983)
  3. Superfast Models with a Matchbox base plate and using the, in 1983 introduced Matchbox Manufacturing numbers
Each of the models of Group 3 and 4 have their own, by Matchbox assigned, unique so called Manufacturing Number. Many collectors use this number to catalog their models.
N.b. In the range of 702-871 you can find some not unique Matchbox Manufacturing numbers. Those numbers have been issued during the eighties and have been, by mistake, issued by Mattel a second time after 2010. The original models with those numbers are mainly models from old Twin Packs. To search the Data Base for those models use the Name option below.

Manufacturing Number?

The second option you can use is searching our inventory database by name. This can be used for all 3 Groups as mentioned above. With this option, you can type in a text string which contains a (part of) the name of the model you are searching (see the base plate of the model for the correct name), the Mack Number or the Matchbox Manufacturing number. For example if you want to search for the Suzuki Rodeo then you can type in Suzuki or Rodeo or Suz or any other combination of consecutive letters within this name. The closer you are in typing the full name the more exact your selection will be. Instead of using the name you can also type the Manufacturing number (e.g. 273). Finally you can type (part of) the Mack number like 56-I of 56-.

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